Saturday, September 27, 2008

Who Really Won The Debate? Ralph Nader

The Not So Great Debate- Today I hope some of my friends here share their comments on last night’s debate in Oxford. Overall the entire event was a snorefest and Jim Lehrer, for whom I have enormous respect, was beyond annoying. Any one that reads this knows I am hardly a fan of John McCain, but it seems like he more than held his own and dare I say won this first debate. Mind you, I have not listened or read even one pundit or critic’s view of what occurred last night. Senator Obama just seemed so flat. Even a novice could see the many times he could have held John McCain accountable and let them slide by. McCain proved more passionate and even more specific. Believe me I am no fan of his energy thesis, “solar, wind, biofuels and other alternative energy sources, but what we really need is more offshore drilling and nuclear plants”. It feels, in contrast to Obama, that we are back in 1978 with the McCain energy plan, which is hardly alternative or clean. At least Obama last night made the strong point of what this new clean technology means to the economy. All McCain could say was that his new drilling and nuclear policy would add 700,000 new jobs. Doing precisely what-- mopping up oil spills and trying to figure out what to do with the barrels of nuclear waste? I read just yesterday that hospitals in the country cannot even figure how to dispose of their current small quantities of nuclear waste that are rapidly piling up. So, I say the spoils go to that great debate avoider McCain and Obama better draw some blood the next time the two meet. After eight years of this administration how hard can it be to tar and feather their candidate? Time to pin the tail on the donkey or as the case may be, the elephant.

Go Republicans!- Yes, again I commit treason as I applaud the House Republicans for actually finding a spine to oppose a blank check bailout to these Wall Street financial institutions. I admit they acted kind of in the 11th hour, which opened suspicions as to the timing and the introduction of John McCain as savior, but overall this group is right. Something of this size and scope cannot be slammed down our throats like many of Bush’s past crisis, without a thorough vetting and debate. John Boehner claiming he “wouldn’t be rolled” by the White House was classic. Once again, this proves that the checks and balances system still works on occasion. Call me the libertarian of the week!

Nader- I caught a brief glimpse of Ralph Nader last night on Bill Maher’s show and have to say other than his flailing delivery this guy makes excellent arguments. Including that capitalism has basically eaten itself much like Karl Marx had written. Nader made the point that “true capitalism” is only practiced by small businesses and entrepreneurs and not large corporations, which have become subsidized socialism for the rich. Additionally, he insisted both parties have become so beholden to these corporations that no one, not even Obamessiah, stand for peace and real homeland security. Additionally, he went after Obama for insisting he would go into Pakistan and accused Obama of being “insensitive” to Third World nations where he was raised. I am definitely paying closer attention to Nader’s speeches the rest of this election cycle.

RESPECT-Legendary Humanitarian Paul Newman(1925-2008)

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