Thursday, October 2, 2008

Jobs In The Bag

Bag The Bag- Ikea, with the overwhelming support of its customers, has stopped providing plastic bags in their stores as of yesterday. Up until this announcement Ikea had been charging customers 5 cents a bag and donating the proceeds to American Forests to plant trees (728,000 to date) to restore forests. The EPA claims US consumers consume over 380 billion plastic bags, sacks and wraps each year. Big kudos to both Ikea and its customers.

Jobs for Everyone- A report released today by The US Conference of Mayors, Mayors Climate Protection Center estimates that by 2038, 4.2 million jobs will be created in the clean-green sector. Jobs will grow in segments like renewable electricity production 1.23 million jobs; alternative transportation fuels 1.5 million; engineering, research, legal and consulting 1.4 million. 85% of these jobs will be in large metropolitan areas. The reports also assumes and reports the following: by 2038, 40% of all electricity generated will come from alternative resources, residential and commercial retrofitting will cause a 35% decrease in energy consumption and 30% of gasoline and diesel demand for autos and light trucks will be satisfied by alternative fuels.

Bailout- Aside from some crazy pork being slipped into the bailout bill passed by the Senate 74-25 last evening, it also included pushing forward the tax credits for alternative energy. Still haven’t had a chance to read the details, but at least some good may still come from this bill.

Debate- Curious to see the leader of energy policy in the Republican party, Sarah Palin lay forth her plans and thoughts for the new et economy. Let’s hope she doesn’t spend 90 minutes continuing to sidestep and being vague.

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