Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh, Sweet Crude

McCain announces his VP pick today in Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Props to the old guy on a bold choice. However, his senility would be showing if the McCain campaign really believes this choice will attract Hillary's Pumas. It does add the much needed youth and outsider tag. I also give Governor Palin thumbs up for at least claiming to oppose and destroy the chances of Senator Ted Stevens $400 million 'bridge to nowhere', though Stevens endorsed her for governor in the end. I also suppose McCain expects the keys to ANWR and opening up more oil drilling can be located somewhere in the Governor's purse. Who would of thought at the beginning of this campaign that the 49th and 50th states would play such a huge role (personally I am distrustful of both as they are not part of the contiguous 48 states). Looks like 2008 is certainly the year of the blue collar worker as both campaigns try to stress both VP candidates blue collar cred.


The Fabulous Stain said...

I understand not trusting Alaska, I wouldn't trust anyone who'd live there by choice. But Hawaii? They gave us poi. Speaking of poi, remember the band Poi Dog Pondering? What a weird band name, even weirder than Toad the Wet Sprocket. What's up with that?

Unknown said...

The pretty lady will bring the drilling argument to the forefront and the dems are on the losing side of that, unfortunately. She completely wants ANWR opened up. At the same time the nice lady is very upset that the Supreme Court reduced punitive damages for what her partners did to Valdez.

Nick Terzo said...

Thanks for both these lovely comments. In including Hawaii to my mistrust list I was following the intellectual Larry David's advice. As far as Toad the Wet Sprocket, I may know of them.