Friday, July 11, 2008

Senator Dumbass

So, I am reading this article in the July 6th NY Times regarding the lameness and lack of a cogent US energy policy. After a few paragraphs of the obvious I come upon this quote from Senator Dumbass- “Much of what we’re seeing today could have been prevented or ameliorated had we chosen to act differently,” says Pete V. Domenici, the ranking Republican member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and a 36-year veteran of the Senate. “It was a bipartisan failure to act.”-NY Times 7/06/08. So this distingushed Senator who has been in DC over 36 years didn't see this coming? I am totally floored that someone like myself, with less information at my fingertips could see this problem coming 10 or 15 years ago. Come on Domenici. I then go on to read that Representative John "Dingleberry" Dingell (D)-Michigan who has served in Congress for 52 YEARS (much longer than I have been on this planet), seems all he has done is obstruct any increase in CAFE standards! What a brilliant record of achievement. In one article I have encountered way too many dumbasses. I am beginning to believe term limits are definitely the answer. If you can serve in the House over half a century and still be beholden to interests, then the seniority system is complete and utter BS. Do yourself a favor and read this article by Nelson Schwartz, it makes this weeks FISA bill look like kids play. Try not to let your tears destroy your keyboard.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

How about not just term limits, but age limits?