Thursday, August 21, 2008

EPA, FBI & Cash

Bushwacked EPA- The courts again came to the rescue of the States versus the Environmental Protection Agency. An appeals court in a 2-1 ruling stated that individual States can indeed set their own emission standards. The courts have continually ruled against the Bush EPA’s dismantling of Clean Air Act provisions amongst other environmental rules the Bush administration has tried to soften. It’s been like an all out assault the past seven months to rack up as much damage as possible before leaving office.

Scared yet?- Apparently there is a Justice Department plan to loosen restrictions on the FBI to allow agents to open and pursue a criminal or national security investigation against US citizens without any basis of suspicion. As reported in today’s New York Times some staffers on the Hill have received glimpses of the plan; a letter of protest was sent to Attorney General Michael Mukasey and signed by Senators Richard Durban, Russ Feingold and Ted Kennedy. This is incredibly creepy stuff. (Will Americans continue to live in fear and ignorance as their rights continue to be destroyed?).

China, China- Nick Kristoff’s column in today’s NYT sheds some light on China’s influence and significance in the 21st century and the need of Americans and Europeans to accept this shift. China’s lead in Olympic gold medals certainly carries over into politics and business.

Cash Smackdown- Rosanne Cash gave a major smackdown yesterday to Big & Rich’s John Rich. John apparently made reference at a McShame rally that if Johnny Cash were alive today he certainly would be walking the line with John McShame. Well, Rosanne did the righteous thing and demanded her father’s name not be used by either political party or in assuming after death just what Johnny might approve or disapprove. John Rich just can’t seem to keep his trap shut. While I am a fan of his show “Gone Country” and think he is talented musically, I am a bit concerned about his thought patterns both socially and politically. You go Rosanne!

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