Saturday, August 2, 2008

Labels & TM

I Hate Labels- I think I must be the most naïve human living on the planet when it comes to this race crap that is now being injected into this presidential campaign. Shouldn’t it be—who cares? I am going to attempt to articulate my thoughts on this, but admit I have some sort of disconnect between my inner gray matter and my tongue regarding race. With the myriad of serious issues at hand, this is becoming a distraction that will sadly play to McShame’s benefit. Barack Obama is a person of multi cultural origin. Like this is some breaking news and does this have some relevant bearing on competence? I can guarantee that somewhere in my 100% Italian origin past, my background has some other cultural mix…how can it not? Let’s stop giving attention to this sideshow and move on to the issues that truly matter. Further more, allowing this to become a campaign of personality over policy is beyond frustrating. Obamessiah’s victory lap in the EU and his allowing McCain to define this campaign only on his personality could cause big problems for Obama this fall.

Obamortal- Looks like Senator Obama has given up the messiah title in joining the masses to further promulgate cheaper gas and some limited form of off shore oil exploration. Is anyone going to man up and provide a bold policy with long term goals in mind? Seems as though the good senator from Illinois is falling into the same trap in telling Americans what they want to hear. This is an evolution folks, adapt or be forgotten.

Lynch’s TM- The David Lynch Foundation is providing funds for “Quiet Time” in schools using the principals of Transcendental Meditation techniques. I think this is a real worthwhile program so visit the Foundations website here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cool - thanks Nick

here are some more links about TM mediation:

a university where everyone (faculty staff and students) practices TM:

and here's an 800 number to find a TM center/teacher near you (available in most major cities): 1-800-532-7686 (1-800-learntm)