Sunday, August 24, 2008

Water, Sun, Robinette and Yankees

East River Power- As I look out my window upon the mighty East River, which in fact is a tidal straight, not a actually river, connecting the New York Bay to the Long Island Sound; I am surprised to learn that power is being generated beneath its surface. Verdant Power has installed turbines on the river’s bottom to capture the currents and generate electricity. Apparently, six turbines are currently installed and due to the strong and changing currents, have had to be retooled to handle the East River’s strength. These six turbines are to produce 1000 kilowatts per day. Verdant hopes this technology will become successful enough to plant 100’s of turbines around New York City’s ample waterways. This is a great step in the future of hydro-kinetic power generation and it’s personally exciting for me to be so proximate to the action.

Redeemable Nevada- Interesting article in the Christian Science Monitor by Mark Clayton discussing concentrating solar power (CSP) and his visit to the Nevada Solar One plant. Solar thermal energy could be well on its way if the United States Senate Republicans stop blocking (8 times and counting) the extension of the investment tax credits. These investment tax credits help recover 30% of a company’s initial investment in such CSP facilities. The Bureau of Land Management has millions of acres of desert land under its direct management. The one downside I can see of these plants is their needs for huge amounts of water. Still what better way to utilize this desolate land than producing energy? Certainly beats developing it with homes and trying to grow grass all over the Nevada desert.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr- Finally, everyone can stop spinning as Obamessiah picks Joe Biden to join his ticket as VP. Overall, it’s a great choice that continues the practice of upside down tickets like Bush-Cheney. It gives one pause as to why a man of Biden’s credentials isn’t on the top of this ticket. Branding and marketing is more and more trumping substance. It will be curious to see if Biden persists in his Senate bid for reelection and how attempting to hand this seat to his son Beau, Delaware’s Attorney
General plays out.

Parents Back to School- Plenty of stories appearing these days on parenting and the continued practice of parents over-indulging their children. I have heard some amazing stories like one from a friend in a Fortune 500 company’s human resources department. Seems a younger employee’s boss would not grant this entry-level employee the vacation time she requested. The employee’s parents then called human resources to complain and demand they let their daughter be given this time off! The latest trend I have read about are these parents buying homes or condos near the university their child is attending so they can frequently visit. What is going on with this generation? Who the hell wants their parents interfering in this first notion of young adults independence? I need to get a degree in psychotherapy cause business is going to be remarkable amongst this entitled and coddled genration.

Yankees- Carl Pavano returned to the Yankees last night after extended injuries have sidelined him for the duration of his contract. After 501 days away from a major league mound his pitching started beyond unsure and miserable. Pavano certainly did better a few innings in. Overall, unimpressive and it has only cost the Yankees $39.95 million for his 19 games of pitching. Basically, this guy has gotten $2,102,632 per game and is probably on par with stadium paydays for popstars like Billy Joel and Bon Jovi. Nice work if you can find it. The Yanks managed to put away Baltimore 5-3.

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