Sunday, August 3, 2008

Greenspan & Girls Gone Child

Greenspan Speaks – Wow, Alan Greenspan speaking of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac labeled both as “unstable”. The former Fed Chief actually admitted that having Fannie & Freddie structured as private/public entities, whereas “profit is privatized and loss is socialized” as a poor idea. Looks as though these two organizations could be heading toward being obsolete or at the very least reorganized. When someone of Greenspan’s supposed stature admits this, we can count on something thankfully changing.

Girls Gone Child- I was reading Maureen Dowd’s column in today’s NYT and she was mentioning how Obamania was still meeting with disgruntled Hillraisers. The senator has got to stop wasting his time in these meetings. Hillaryites are damn near insane. So either, just put Hillary on the ticket or get beyond it and start ignoring these lunatics. I dare these nuts, once in the voting booth, to cast a vote for McShame.

McShame Music- As a follow up to my earlier post regarding the McShame campaigns inability to license any pop music, along comes the talented John Rich. It seems John, who is just coming off his anti-gay marriage and somewhat homophobic remarks last year, has penned a song for McShame titled “Raising McCain”. John is so talented, but it seems as though he needs some life lessons from his less offensive and lovely partner, Big Kenny.

It’s Local Stupid- With the continuing increase in the cost of energy, the notion of the global economy may be hitting a roadblock in growth. This notion of products traveling thousands of miles just for our convenience is becoming both antiquated and too costly. If I need to go without Kiwi in the winter due to my residing in the Northeast, so be it. We all need to adjust our consumption in purchasing and eating more locally produced goods.

Yankees Slide- The Yankees finally won a game yesterday against the Anaheim Los Angeles Orange County Disneyland California Angels after faltering the past week. Mike “Moose” Mussina threw a near perfect game. I can’t believe that I now look forward to Mike starting again. He is hot as lava. I never realized he has a degree in economics from Stanford too. Too my relief (pun intended) I will never have to look at Kyle Farnsworth is pinstripes again. I am so relieved he was traded away as he was a bullpen waste of space.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

We have multiplied out possessions,but reduced out values;