Friday, August 22, 2008

Water,Money & Religion

Aqua Dolce- I have written quite a bit of one precious resource that is pumped from the ground, oil. Today let’s discuss something we take for granted water. This precious resource is also at great risk as consumption; bottled water, manufacturing, farming continues to escalate at a brisk pace. I know my friends in California are intimately familiar with water conservation (though I assume few practice it religiously), now even the very wet Northeast has to develop a long-term plan to deal with precious water. Lance Armstrong’s excessive water use becoming public this week heightens awareness. In one month Armstrong’s house consumed 229,000 gallons of water. At this rate, every minute five gallons of water is flowing through Armstrong’s taps, toilets and sprinklers. This country has truly reached the point of becoming over-consumptive pigs. If everyone believes the lack of oil will cause terrorizing pandemonium worldwide, think what lack of a necessity like water would create. The bottled water craze alone has had irreparable consequences as large beverage companies like PepsiCo continue to drain lakes in India and other less fortunate countries in order to provide our cannot live without bottled water lifestyles. Particularly in the Northeast, where in New England alone 40% of the water supply comes from wells and underground tables, do we need a conservation plan? Maybe charging huge users some kind of ‘pig tax’ on water would help put a dent in consumption. Some thought for today’s water cooler (if only individual bottled water hadn’t killed this antique off) conversations.

Campaign Obscenity- Just released figures for July show that the Obamessiah and McShame campaigns spent a combined total of nearly $90 million! The total spending thus far of both camps? $485.5 million. This is beyond obscene. When you compile the total primary figures this spending will easily top $1 billion for this election cycle. I quit. Can you imagine if instead all these truly patriotic and altruistic contributors had directed this money toward education, conservation or healthcare. I think it is truly time for publicly funded campaigns. I am thoroughly disgusted and no candidate will ever receive another dollar from me.

Campaign Religion- A poll by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found a major increase amongst conservatives to 50% who believe churches and houses of worship should steer clear of politics. The total has reached a majority of 52% of the respondents stating church should stay out of politics. This is a 7% increase from 2000 and an encouraging trend. I have another tool for keeping religion clear of politics, how about revoking their tax exempt status.

RESPECT- Gene Upshaw (1945-2008)

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